Marstoniopsis scholtzi (A. Schmidt 1856) - Schöngesichtige Zwergdeckelschnecke
[recent data, last modified 22.02.2002]

Marstoniopsis scholtzi - Foto: V. Wiese

MollBase: here - database of Schleswig-Holstein
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Status quo (red dots: data newer than 2000):
Marstoniopsis scholtzi is a declining species which mostly lives in mesotrophic waters. In Schleswig-Holstein only scattered localities, restricted to the "Östliches Hügelland"-region (moraines of the last glaciation).

Map c V. Wiese

Legend: click here

=>> to the MAP 1991 of this species

© V. Wiese and Landesamt für Natur und Umwelt des Landes Schleswig-Holstein

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